Exports to China boost Magic Millions National Sale

After lengthy negotiations with Chinese Government officials and veterinarians, horses purchased earlier this year at Magic Millions have been granted permission to enter China.

Magic Millions Sales Director David Chester said the latest news is a great boost for the Queensland and Australian industries.  He thanked Biosecurity Australia and AQIS for their work in negotiations with the Chinese authorities.

Chester is currently travelling to Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Philippines and China on a promotional tour for the upcoming Magic Millions National Sale from May 25 through to June 6.

“There will be a number of buyers from these countries attending our upcoming National Sales, incorporating breeding stock, weanlings, broodmares, yearlings and racehorses,” he said.  “It’s the largest breeding stock sale in the southern hemisphere with around 2,250 horses.”

IRT’s Lachlan Ford said his company was working hard with Magic Millions to continue the successful export of horses from Australia to China.

“In light of recent reports regarding China, IRT would like to reassure the equine industry that we continue to work with Bio-security Australia and the CIQ working group of China, to ensure that we can assist the industry in the facilitation of exports to China within the currently agreed protocol between the two countries.

“Although there are some restrictions, IRT currently has two consignments about to commence Pre Export Quarantine for export to China, with a number of those horses being sourced from Queensland.”